
Terms & Conditions

Zero Deposit Van Rental Specialist



    Please ensure you have read and fully understand our Terms and Conditions before entering into an agreement with us. If there is anything you do not understand, please contact us.

    The Lessor agrees to let to the Hirer and the Hirer acknowledges that the motor vehicle described on the hire agreement is fit for his/her purpose. The Hirer confirms that he/she has been given adequate time and opportunity to carefully read the terms and conditions herein and agrees to be bound by them in their entirety.


    1. Bookings cannot be taken without payment in full.

    2. Cancellation of hire by the Hirer: Once hire monies are paid no refunds will be given.

    3. Amendments may be possible subject to availability and with a minimum of 24 hrs notice

    4. Deposits/Insurance Excess Fees may vary from £750.00 to £1500.00 depending on certain circumstances, e.g. Extra risk, age, points etc… underwritten by the lessor/Insurance company.

    5. The Lessor/Insurer reserve the right to accept/decline any application for hire at their own discretion.

    6. All hire agreements are subject to Lessor/Insurance approval.

    7. The Lessor reserves the right to change/replace the Hirers vehicle prior to and during the hire period and in extreme circumstances cease to hire or request the hire vehicle to be returned, for existing hire 24 hours notice shall be served.

    8. It can be an offence to make a false declaration/knowingly provide false information.

    9. The Hirer by Signing the Agreement overleaf gives authorisation for the Lessor to complete any security checks deemed necessary on either their person or any other person named on the Agreement, which may include any or all of the following: Credit/Employment/Bank Referencing, Personal Tracing Via Outside Agency’s Including the Tracking if necessary of any Mobile Phone/ Numbers Provided.

    10. The vehicle described overleaf is the property of the Lessor. The Hirer described in the Agreement and Declaration overleaf agrees to return the vehicle together with all tyres, tools, accessories and other equipment in the same condition as received at the commencement of this Rental Agreement to the place and on the date and time specified overleaf, or sooner if demanded by the Lessor.

    11. During the rental period the Hirer shall keep the Vehicle together with its accessories, tools and equipment in his/her sole possession and free from any and all legal process or lien and when not in use to adequately protect and secure it.

    12. All vehicle returns must be handed over to and checked in by a member of staff.

    13. All vehicles returned in adverse weather conditions may require further inspection within 24 hours of return; this will also apply to vehicles returned in a dirty condition.

    14. The Vehicle will not be used:

    a) for the carriage of passengers for hire or reward.

    b) for any unlawful purpose or in contravention of any Act, Order or Regulation affecting the Vehicle or its use of construction.

    c) to propel or tow any other vehicle or trailer, without prior consent from the Lessor

    d) for racing, pacemaking, reliability trials, speed testing or driving tuition.

    e) to carry a greater number of passengers and/or more baggage than recommended by the manufacturer.

    f ) by any person other than the Hirer who has signed the Rental Agreement or who has been nominated as a driver by Hirer and approved by Lessor.

    g) by any person who has within the preceding period of five years been convicted of a driving offence under the influence of drugs or alcohol, or dangerous driving, or has had more than one accident in the previous three years unless authorised by the Lessor/Insurer.

    h) by any person not holding a valid, current driving licence including where necessary or appropriate HGV licence.

    i) by any person under the age of 25 or over the age of 70 unless authorised by the Lessor/Insurer.

    j) by any person who has held a full driving licence for less than 24 months unless authorised by the lessor/insurer.

    k) in any manner which may render the applicable insurance policy void.

    l ) outside England, Scotland, Wales without the lessor’s consent. In which event adequate insurance for the purpose of foreign use must, prior to any travel, commitment or arrangement, be in force and the provision of same shall be subject to the separate and additional insurance premium, payment of which shall fall to the hirer.

    m) in circumstances where the maximum payload or individual axle plated weights are exceeded, the Hirer is responsible for loading and unloading the vehicle.

    15. Where a person signing this Agreement purports to do so on behalf of another, they warrant that they are authorised to do so and in such case is deemed to act as Agent Universal, but in any event shall remain personally liable to the lessor.

    16. Neither the Hirer nor any servant as Agent of the Hirer is or may hold his/herself out to be the servant or Agent of the Lessor for any purpose whatsoever.

    17. The Hirer is not authorised to effect any repairs to the vehicle nor to incur any cost on the Lessors Account without the Lessors express prior consent.

    18. The Lessor is not and cannot be held liable for loss or damage to any property stored, transported in or on the vehicle after it has been returned to the Lessors possession.

    19. Hirer expressly acknowledges personal liability to pay the lessor and as per the Lessors authority overleaf to if necessary debit the Hirers/third parties nominated credit/debit/charge card company:

    a) the rental due under this agreement together with, where specified, a mileage charge computed at the rates specified for rental until vehicle is returned (the number of miles of which said vehicle shall be operated under this Agreement shall be determined by reading the speedometer installed by the Manufacturers, if speedometer fails, the mileage charge shall be made in accordance with the road map distance of the journey travelled).

    b) time and miscellaneous charges at the rates specified in this agreement.

    c) administration charges at a minimum rate of £200.00.

    d) Lessors costs, including reasonable legal fees incurred in collecting payments due from Hirer.

    e) compensation for Lessors loss of use of the vehicle (charged at rates specified in current Lessors tariff) whilst being recovered at the termination of this Rental whilst being repaired consequent upon any collision or other damage suffered before the vehicle was returned to the Lessors place of business.

    f) charges of which shall apply for the vehicle returned in an unsatisfactory condition including carriage of animals, smoking, spillage of foods/liquids.

    g) Certain items are not covered by insurance and are therefore chargeable to the hire in full i.e: windscreen damage, tyre damage or punctures, engine damage due to lack of water, oil or any other fluids, interior damage (cigarette burns, rips to seats), fuel contamination.

    h) insurance excess charge currently standing at £1000.00 minimum, this may be increased depending on hirers criteria and will be taken in all cases.

    i ) late return charges apply and may vary subject to circumstance and/or losses incurred as a direct result of a late return. Hirer acknowledges responsibility to prior advise/inform a member of staff of a late return.

    j ) fuel shortages will be charged at a minimum of £10 +VAT anything above this will be set at rates specified by the lessor.

    k) all premiums/hire payments and to be maintained in advance.

    l) The Lessor reserves the right to charge interest at 5% above the base rate of NatWest Bank P.L.C, calculated from the date when payment becomes due up to and including the date of the actual payment including all accrued interest, whether before or after judgement on any unpaid Hire/Damage or other associated fees/charges.

    20. The Hirer shall be liable as the owner of the vehicle in respect of:

    a) any fixed penalty offence committed in respect of that vehicle under part 111 and the relevant schedules of the Road Traffic Offenders Act 1988 as amended by the Parking Act 1989 and as those provisions may be amended or replaced from time to time:

    b) and any excess charge which may be incurred in respect of the vehicle in pursuance of an order under Sections 45 and 46 of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 as amended by the Road Traffic Offenders Act 1988 and the Parking Act 1989 and as those provisions may be amended or replaced from time to time.

    c) and any financial penalty or charge which may be demanded by any person, Corporation or Authority as a result of the vehicle being parked or left upon land which is not a public road.

    KVS Self Drive Terms & Conditions Insurance – Provided by the Lessor

    21. Unless the Hirer elects to provide their own insurance the vehicle is, at all times, covered by the Lessors Insurance Policy, the terms of which are available for inspection by the Hirer at the Lessors office. The Hirer shall, however remain liable for any loss or damage to the vehicle as a result of the wilful act or negligence of the Hirer, his Agent(s) or Servant(s) or any breach of the terms of the insurance policy and shall indemnify the Lessor from any third party claim whether consequential or otherwise, which arises there from.


    22. The Hirer elects to provide on his/her own account a Fully Comprehensive Motor Insurance Policy covering the Lessors vehicle in its full value, current and commencement of this Agreement against loss or damage howsoever caused (including windscreen damage). The Hirer shall in which case, provide the Lessor prior to commencement of the rental period or taking charge and possession of the vehicle, proof of insurance issued by an Insurer authorised by the Department of Trade and Industry and/or recognised at Lloyds of London, upon which the Lessors name and vehicle particulars shall be formerly endorsed.

    23. The hirer warrants all premiums required in respect of such policy of insurance detailed in section (COI) overleaf are fully paid at the commencement of the Rental Period and shall provide proof of same immediately upon Lessor’s request.

    24. The Hirer shall not use or permit use in contravention of the terms and conditions of his/her Insurance Policy Contract.

    25. Any breach of the terms and conditions of the Hirers Insurance Policy Contract, likely to or rendering same void the Hirer shall be held personally liable for all compensation in respect of any loss or damage suffered by the Lessor and would otherwise have been settled by the Hirers if such breach had not been committed.

    26. The Hirer agrees that any compensation paid directly to him/her under the insurance contract detailed in the Agreement overleaf in respect of any loss or damage suffered by the Lessor without abatement of deduction of any kind.

    27. The Hirer shall be liable to compensate the Lessor for any loss or damage suffered by the Lessor in excess of the monies (if any) paid directly to the Lessors by the Hirers Insurance.


    28. The Hirer agrees to protect the interest of the Lessor and the Lessors Insurance in the case of an accident during the term of this Rental and shall immediately report to the Lessor any accident in which the vehicle detailed and described in the Agreement overleaf is involved and shall:

    a) make every endeavour to obtain the names and addresses including vehicle details of all parties involved.

    b) obtain the names and addresses of witnesses.

    c) not admit liability or guilt.

    d) notify Police immediately if another party’s guilt has to be ascertained and/or if people are injured.

    e) not abandon or leave the vehicle unattended without first ensuring adequate provision for safeguarding and securing it.

    f) provide the Lessor with a detailed written report including diagram (accident claim report).

    The Lessor and Hireguard through a National Database which is used in conjunction with insurers to aid avoidance of

    a) fraud,

    b) multiple claims,

    c) bogus hirers and monitors Hirer/Drivers performance. In compliance with the said Act Hireguard is the Data User and is accordingly licensed by the Data Protection Registrar, Registration Number N0802 12 1.


    1. If the Hirer has indicated overleaf that he wishes the Lessor (namely the company specified as such overleaf) to provide insurance, then the following provisions will apply:-

    a) This agreement is subject to and is deemed to include the terms, conditions and limitations of the Lessor’s insurance policy, a copy of which may be inspected at the Lessor’s office.

    b) Any vehicle hired under this agreement may only be driven by the hirer or by the person signing the agreement on behalf of the Hirer any additional authorised drivers who have had a completed insurance proposal form accepted by the Lessor.

    c) The Hirer agrees to pay the insurance charges on the Lessor’s current tariff, plus the waiver charge for reducing or removing the insurance excess as initialled, and the excess as shown overleaf.

    d) Even though it may be covered by the Lessor’s insurance the Hirer shall be liable to pay the cost of repair of any damage which the vehicle may suffer as the result of the wilful action of the Hirer or any servant or agent of the hirer.

    e) The Hirer will compensate the Lessor for any loss (whether direct indirect or consequential) which it may suffer as a result of any act or omission on the part of the Hirer or his servant or agent.

    2. If the Hirer has indicated overleaf that he wishes to provide his own insurance, then the following provisions will apply:-

    a) The Hirer’s responsibility shall be to insure the vehicle until it is returned to the Lessor in its full value against loss or damage (including windscreen damage) by accident, fire or theft under a comprehensive policy of insurance with an insurance office of repute. The Hirer shall at the lessor’s request supply full details to the lessor and shall instruct the insurers that the Lessor’s name shall be endorsed on the policy.

    b) The Hirer shall not use or permit the vehicle to be used in contravention of the terms and conditions of the policy and shall procure that any compensation under the said insurance is paid directly to the lessor.

    c) If the hirer shall effect insurance which is not comprehensive or if for any other reason the amount paid by the hirer’s insurers shall be less than the loss or damage (whether direct, indirect or consequential) suffered by the Lessor then the Hirer shall pay the Lessor the difference.

    3. Where this agreement has been signed by a person on behalf of the Hirer, he warrants that he is authorised to sign for the Hirer, and is jointly and severally liable with the Hirer under this agreement.

    4. Neither the Hirer not any servant or agent of the hirer, not any authorised driver is or may hold himself out to be, the servant or agent of the Lessor for any purpose whatsoever.

    5. The rental period under this agreement shall be from the Date out shown overleaf until the Date due back (as recorded overleaf or in any agreed attachment hereto) unless:-

    a) The Hirer shall for any reason terminate this agreement before the Date due back, or

    b) The Lessor shall terminate this agreement before the Date due back by a reason of any breach by the Hirer of any term hereof, or

    c) The Lessor shall for any other reason call for the return of the vehicle before the Date due back. In any of which events the hirer shall forthwith return the vehicle, provided that the Hirer shall not be liable for any charges in relation to any period after the vehicle has been returned pursuant to this agreement. The total rental period shall not, in any event, exceed 90 days.

    6. It is a breach of this agreement for the Hirer to fail to return the vehicle to the Lessor at the end of the rental period and the damages payable for such breach (in addition to any damages payable for such breach) will be the charges which would have been payable on the Lessor’s current tariff for the period until the Lessor recovers the vehicle or receives the full value thereof.

    7. The Lessor is not liable for the loss of or damage to any property stored or transported in or on the vehicle when it returns to the Lessor’s possession; The Hirer will indemnify the Lessor against any claims relating to any such property.

    8. The vehicle will not:-

    a) Without the Lessor’s prior written consent be taken outside the territory comprising England, Wales, Scotland, Northern Ireland and any British Isle on which the hiring commenced.

    b) Without the Lessor’s prior written consent be used to propel or tow any other vehicle or trailer)

    c) Be used for the carriage of passengers for hire or reward or for driving tuition unless the Hirer shall have obtained the Lessor’s prior written consent and shall in addition have provided his own insurance in accordance with cause

    d) Be used for any unlawful purpose or for racing, pacemaking, competitions or speed testing, or in any unlawful manner)

    e) Be used in such a manner that it is overloaded (whether in total or in respect of any axle or other part) or is carrying more passengers or goods than it was designed to carry or may lawfully carry)

    f) Be driven in a manner which would render void the policy or the other contract of insurance, or in contravention of any Road Traffic legislation or Construction and use Regulations, or by any person who is not licenced to drive the vehicle or who is under the influence of alcohol or drugs, nor must it be driven in the event of mechanical, electrical or structural failure or damage. If further damage might thereby be caused) Be altered or added to in any manner.

    9. The Hirer is not authorised to effect any repairs to the vehicle costing more than £25.00 without the Lessor’s prior consent. Save to the extent that there may be an excess on the Lessor’s insurance which the Hirer is obliged to pay; the Lessor will refund to the Hirer the cost of necessary repairs not exceeding £25.00 (for more if the Lessor’s consent had been obtained) on production of a VAT receipt and any parts replaced.

    10. If the Hirer commits any breach of this agreement, that the Lessor may treat the agreement as terminated and take possession of the vehicle, and the Hirer authorises the Lessor to enter upon his property for such purpose.

    11. The Hirer shall be liable as the owner of the vehicle in respect of:-

    a) Any fixed penalty offence committed in respect of that vehicle under part lll Of the Road Traffic Offenders Act 1988 or the Road Traffic Act 1991 as amended replaced or extended by any subsequent legislation or orders and any such offence committed under the equivalent legislation applicable to Scotland, Northern Ireland or any British Isle upon which the vehicle is being used

    b) Any excess charge which may be incurred in respect of the vehicle in pursuance of an Order under section 45 and 46 of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 or the Road Traffic Act 1991, as amended, replaced or extended by any subsequent legislation or orders under the equivalent legislation applicable to Scotland, Northern Ireland or other British Isle

    c) Any financial penalty or charge which may be damaged by any person, corporation or authority as a result of the vehicle having been parked or left upon land which is not a public road.

    12. The Hirer is obliged:-

    a) To pay on the Lessor’s current Tariff for the rental and fuel, to pay for any accessories, tyres, tools or equipment lost, stolen or damaged; to pay the Lessor’s cost of recovering the vehicle in the event that the Hirer fails to return it to the Lessor in accordance with clause 13(f); to pay any penalties, fines and court costs incurred in the use of the vehicle before it is returned to the Lessor and which the Lessor is obliged to pay (save when caused by the fault of the Lessor); and to pay VAT where appropriate at the current rate)

    b) To safeguard the Lessor’s interests in the event of any accident involving the vehicle, by obtaining the names and addresses of all relevant drivers and witnesses, securing the vehicle and where appropriate notifying the police)

    c) To ensure that the correct tyre pressures, engine oil level , battery fluid level screen wash levels; coolant levels and automatic transmission oil level( where fitted) are maintained throughout the period of rental.

    d) To ensure that the vehicle is always locked when unattended and to take all reasonable steps to prevent loss of or damage to the vehicle or the tyres tools accessories equipment or contents)

    e)To inform the Lessor immediately if the vehicle suffers any damage or loss develops any fault or requires any servicing, and permit the Lessor to carry out any essential repairs or servicing)

    f) To return the vehicle (together with all its accessories, tyres, tools and equipment during the Lessor’s business hours to a representative of the Lessor and to the place from which the vehicle was hired unless a different place is specified overleaf at or before the end of the rental period or on the earlier termination of the agreement, in the condition prevailing at the commencement of the rental (fair wear and tear expected ), clean and tidy (traffic grime expected) Upon termination of the hire, vehicles should be left in a safe and secure position that conforms to parking regulations. Keys should be kept securely but accessible to the staff for collection at the earliest possible opportunity. The vehicle remains the responsibility and is subject to the customer’s insurance cover. Until such time as it has been collected by KVS staff, or to a period of 24 hours from the termination of the hire which ever is the shorter.

    13. The Lessor is obliged:-

    a) To take reasonable steps to provide the Hirer with a well-maintained vehicle but shall not be liable for any direct, indiret or consequential loss caused by any breach of this or, any other obligation of the Lessor hereunder

    b) When informed of a breakdown by the Hirer, to see that the necessary repairs are carried out promptly, if possible.

    c) If repairs to the hired vehicle cannot be carried out promptly, to provide a substitute vehicle or allow the Hirer to terminate the Hire.

    14. The Hirer acknowledges:-

    a) That this agreement is not assignable by him or her

    b) That this document (together with any agreed attachment hereto) contains the entire understanding between the parties and that no addition to or alteration of the terms shall be valid unless made in writing and signed by a duly authorised officer of the Lessor.

    c) That he is not entering into this agreement on the basis of any warranty or representation by the Lessor

    d) That failure by the Lessor to enforce any term of this agreement shall not be construed as a waiver of the rights hereunder.

    15. All telephone calls will be recorded for training purposes.

    16. All returned cheques will incur a £20.00 admin charge.

    17. No monies will be refunded in the event of cancellation once a booking has been made and paid for.

    18. An administration fee of £20 will be applied to all motoring offences received.,,,,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,,..

    Our Fleet & Rental Rates

    SWB L1 H1 (V2)
    SWB L1 H1 (V2)

    Miles 100 Miles Included

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    4 Hour
    9AM - 1PM
    Mon - Fri
    SWB L1 H1 (V2)
    SWB L1 H1 (V2)

    Miles 150 Miles Included

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    Same Day
    9AM – 3PM Mon - Fri
    SWB L1 H1 (V2)
    SWB L1 H1 (V2)

    Miles 200 Miles Included

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    Full Day Rate (23Hrs)
    9AM - 8AM or 3:30PM - 3PM
    SWB L1 H1 (V2)
    SWB L1 H1 (V2)

    Miles 200 Miles Included

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    Saturday Day Rate
    9AM – 3PM
    SWB L1 H1 (V2)
    SWB L1 H1 (V2)

    Miles 400 Miles Included

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    Long Weekend Special
    Friday 3:30PM – Mon 8AM
    SWB L1 H1 (V2)
    SWB L1 H1 (V2)

    Miles 300 Miles Included

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    Weekend Special
    Sat 9AM - Mon 8AM
    SWB L1 H1 (V2)
    SWB L1 H1 (V2)

    Miles 200 Miles Included

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    Super Sunday Deal
    Sat 3:30PM - Mon 8AM
    SWB L1 H2 (V3)
    SWB L1 H2 (V3)

    Miles 200 Miles Included

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    4 Hour
    9AM - 1PM
    Mon - Fri
    SWB L1 H2 (V3)
    SWB L1 H2 (V3)

    Miles 150 Miles Included

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    Same Day
    9AM - 3PM
    Mon - Fri
    SWB L1 H2 (V3)
    SWB L1 H2 (V3)

    Miles 200 Miles Included

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    Full Day Rate (23Hrs)
    9AM - 8AM or 3:30PM - 3PM
    SWB L1 H2 (V3)
    SWB L1 H2 (V3)

    Miles 200 Miles Included

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    Saturday Day Rate
    9AM – 3PM
    SWB L1 H2 (V3)
    SWB L1 H2 (V3)

    Miles 400 Miles Included

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    Long Weekend Special
    Friday 3:30PM – Mon 8AM
    SWB L1 H2 (V3)
    SWB L1 H2 (V3)

    Miles 300 Miles Included

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    Weekend Special
    Sat 9AM - Mon 8AM
    SWB L1 H2 (V3)
    SWB L1 H2 (V3)

    Miles 200 Miles Included

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    Super Sunday Deal
    Sat 3:30PM - Mon 8AM
    LWH L3 H2 (V4)
    LWB L3 H2 (V4)

    Miles 100 Miles Included

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    4 Hour
    9AM - 1PM
    Mon - Fri
    LWH L3 H2 (V4)
    LWB L3 H2 (V4)

    Miles 150 Miles Included

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    Same Day
    9AM – 3PM Mon - Fri
    LWH L3 H2 (V4)
    LWB L3 H2 (V4)

    Miles 200 Miles Included

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    Full Day Rate (23Hrs)
    9AM - 8AM or 3:30PM - 3PM
    LWH L3 H2 (V4)
    LWB L3 H2 (V4)

    Miles 200 Miles Included

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    Saturday Day Rate
    9AM – 3PM
    LWH L3 H2 (V4)
    LWB L3 H2 (V4)

    Miles 400 Miles Included

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    Long Weekend Special
    Friday 3:30PM – Mon 8AM
    LWH L3 H2 (V4)
    LWB L3 H2 (V4)

    Miles 300 Miles Included

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    Weekend Special
    Sat 9AM - Mon 8AM
    LWH L3 H2 (V4)
    LWB L3 H2 (V4)

    Miles 200 Miles Included

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    Super Sunday Deal
    Sat 3:30PM - Mon 8AM
    XLWB L4 H2 (V5)

    Miles 100 Miles Included

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    4 Hour
    9AM - 1PM
    Mon - Fri
    XLWB L4 H2 (V5)

    Miles 150 Miles Included

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    Same Day
    9AM – 3PM Mon - Fri
    XLWB L4 H2 (V5)

    Miles 200 Miles Included

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    Full Day Rate (23Hrs)
    9AM - 8AM or 3:30PM - 3PM
    XLWB L4 H2 (V5)

    Miles 200 Miles Included

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    Saturday Day Rate
    9AM – 3PM
    XLWB L4 H2 (V5)

    Miles 400 Miles Included

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    Long Weekend Special
    Friday 3:30PM – Mon 8AM
    XLWB L4 H2 (V5)

    Miles 300 Miles Included

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    Weekend Special
    Sat 9AM - Mon 8AM
    XLWB L4 H2 (V5)

    Miles 200 Miles Included

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    Super Sunday Deal
    Sat 3:30PM - Mon 8AM
    Luton Tail Lift (V6)
    Luton Tail Lift (V6)

    Miles 100 Miles Included

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    4 Hour
    9AM - 1PM
    Mon - Fri
    Luton Tail Lift (V6)
    Luton Tail Lift (V6)

    Miles 150 Miles Included

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    Same Day
    9AM – 3PM Mon - Fri
    Luton Tail Lift (V6)
    Luton Tail Lift (V6)

    Miles 200 Miles Included

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    Full Day Rate (23Hrs)
    9AM - 8AM or 3:30PM - 3PM
    Luton Tail Lift (V6)
    Luton Tail Lift (V6)

    Miles 200 Miles Included

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    Saturday Day Rate
    9AM – 3PM
    Luton Tail Lift (V6)
    Luton Tail Lift (V6)

    Miles 400 Miles Included

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    Long Weekend Special
    Friday 3:30PM – Mon 8AM
    Luton Tail Lift (V6)
    Luton Tail Lift (V6)

    Miles 300 Miles Included

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    Weekend Special
    Sat 9AM - Mon 8AM
    Luton Tail Lift (V6)
    Luton Tail Lift (V6)

    Miles 200 Miles Included

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    Super Sunday Deal
    Sat 3:30PM - Mon 8AM
    What License Do I Need to Hire a Luton Van
    Luton Low Loader (V7)

    Miles 100 Miles Included

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    4 Hour
    9AM - 1PM
    Mon - Fri
    What License Do I Need to Hire a Luton Van
    Luton Low Loader (V7)

    Miles 150 Miles Included

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    Same Day
    9AM – 3PM Mon - Fri
    What License Do I Need to Hire a Luton Van
    Luton Low Loader (V7)

    Miles 200 Miles Included

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    Full Day Rate (23Hrs)
    9AM - 8AM or 3:30PM - 3PM
    What License Do I Need to Hire a Luton Van
    Luton Low Loader (V7)

    Miles 200 Miles Included

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    Saturday Day Rate
    9AM – 3PM
    What License Do I Need to Hire a Luton Van
    Luton Low Loader (V7)

    Miles 400 Miles Included

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    Long Weekend Special
    Friday 3:30PM – Mon 8AM
    What License Do I Need to Hire a Luton Van
    Luton Low Loader (V7)

    Miles 300 Miles Included

    Click For More Info
    Weekend Special
    Sat 9AM - Mon 8AM
    What License Do I Need to Hire a Luton Van
    Luton Low Loader (V7)

    Miles 200 Miles Included

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    Super Sunday Deal
    Sat 3:30PM - Mon 8AM
    Dropside & Flatbed Van Hire for Trade & Construction
    Flatbed Dropside (V8)

    Miles 100 Miles Included

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    4 Hour
    9AM - 1PM
    Mon - Fri
    Dropside & Flatbed Van Hire for Trade & Construction
    Flatbed Dropside (V8)

    Miles 150 Miles Included

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    Same Day
    9AM – 3PM Mon - Fri
    Dropside & Flatbed Van Hire for Trade & Construction
    Flatbed Dropside (V8)

    Miles 200 Miles Included

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    Full Day Rate (23Hrs)
    9AM - 8AM or 3:30PM - 3PM
    Dropside & Flatbed Van Hire for Trade & Construction
    Flatbed Dropside (V8)

    Miles 200 Miles Included

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    Saturday Day Rate
    9AM – 3PM
    Dropside & Flatbed Van Hire for Trade & Construction
    Flatbed Dropside (V8)

    Miles 400 Miles Included

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    Long Weekend Special
    Friday 3:30PM – Mon 8AM
    Dropside & Flatbed Van Hire for Trade & Construction
    Flatbed Dropside (V8)

    Miles 300 Miles Included

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    Weekend Special
    Sat 9AM - Mon 8AM
    Dropside & Flatbed Van Hire for Trade & Construction
    Flatbed Dropside (V8)

    Miles 200 Miles Included

    Click For More Info
    Super Sunday Deal
    Sat 3:30PM - Mon 8AM
    How to Downsize Your Home
    SWB L1 H1 (V2)
    SWB L1 H2 (V3)
    LWB L3 H2 (V4)
    XLWB L4 H2 (V5)
    Ashton In Makerfield Van Rental Services
    Luton Tail Lift (V6)
    Ashton In Makerfield Van Rental Services
    Luton Low Loader (V7)
    Dropside & Flatbed Van Hire for Trade & Construction
    Flatbed Dropside (V8)
    Jacqui Tierney
    I needed a van asap. And they helped me out with no problems. The price was very good. The staff are very polite. Vans are all clean. I would recommend these to everyone that needs a van for hire.
    David Francis
    Easy booking. Online forms made whole process very efficient. Professional and helpful service on pick up and drop off. Price reasonable for a brand new van and ability to book for short periods of time is helpful and keeps cost low. Would use again and recommend to others.
    Helen Pilkington
    I needed a van asap. And they helped me out with no problems. The price was very good. The staff are very polite. Vans are all clean. I would recommend these to everyone that needs a van for hire.
    Emra Belge
    Professional and reliable persons with well organised place of work.Many thanks to Graham and Dean for arranging the vans for me with a very short notice. They are a lot cheaper than their competitors such as Enterprise and others. Will definitely call back again.
    Stuart Milne
    Would highly recommend - used Warrington Van Hire for the first time over the weekend - On line booking straight forward with clear instructions on licence checks and proof of identity requirements. No fuss on collection, staff were great, no deposit, clear terms & conditions that were explained, competitively priced decent vehicles with good mileage allowance - great experience.
    Les Doodson
    Hired a lwb van for a house move at short notice, only notified late afternoon for a next day move. My order was efficiently processed over the phone and fast hand over the next day. A very good company with a good work ethic, reasonably priced and the lads are good to deal with. If you need to hire a van give them a go.
    Neil Evans
    Van was ready a little early and received a text enabling me to pick up early. Given one of the newer vans (71 plate) and it was in great condition and just what was needed for the job. Returning was straight forward. No complaints at all.
    Paul Bridgeman
    A well deserved 5 stars. Why go anywhere else?… best service, best prices, best vans and go the extra mile to be professional, polite & helpful. Recommend all day long

    We are ready to take your call Monday – Saturday 8am – 4pm!

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