
5 Ways To Prevent Thefts From Warrington Vans

5 Ways To Prevent Thefts From Warrington Vans

Here are some hints to help minimise the risk of thefts from Warrington vans you have hired.

1: Out of sight, out of mind

Never leave anything attractive to thieves on display. If your van has rear windows, covering them may be all that’s necessary to put off opportunists. Consider covering the contents with a blanket, so would-be thieves can’t see them.

2: Lock the doors every time

Always close and lock every door in the van every time you leave it. Don’t leave it open unless it’s in your sight. Check it is really locked, as most vans have remote fobs or keyless entry systems so many drivers walk away without checking.

3: Parking safely

You can dissuade crime by park under a street light within sight of your home. If you park in a car park or on a  driveway, back up right against a wall the garage door, to restrict access to the doors. If there is CCTV in the area, park your van in clear sight of it in a well-lit area.

4: Take care with keys

It’s amazing how many people keep their keys by their front door. It may be convenient in the morning rush, but it makes life easy for thieves. Since modern vehicle electronics make it harder to hot-wire vehicles, thieves target houses to steal keys. So keep them safe and out of sight.

5: Keep it clear

Tradesmen risk the theft of their tools, so remove as many of them as possible overnight, and don’t leave work documents on the dashboard that show what the van is being used for.

Van Hire Warrington

Our central Warrington can hire depot is easily accessible by foot from all the main local transportation networks, including the central train station and the bus terminal. If you come by car, we have secure on-site car parking that you can use for the duration of your Warrington van rental period. For Van Hire WarringtonVan Hire RuncornVan Hire WidnesVan Hire AltrinchamVan Hire St Helens call us today to check availability.

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